Hello! I’m James Fulda. I’m a Business Development and Project Management specialist living & working in Indianapolis, IN. A proud Hoosier currently enrolled in the IU Kelley School of Business’ Business Analytics MBA program.
When I’m not taking a random road trip across the country, I’m normally spending time with my family or reading a good book.
I’m a strong believer in holistic and consultative based business development strategies that benefit both my clients and my organization equally.
Assuming I’m not currently visiting a National Park and outside of my cellphone’s service range, I’d love to hear from you! Give me a shout!
Fun Facts

Last summer I took a six-week road trip camping across 22 states and documenting it all through a travel blog titled ‘James and the Giant Road Trip’

Former member of Toastmasters, and Sectional Winner of Toastmaster’s 2015 ‘Most Humorous Speech’ contest. I even got a trophy for it!

Though I’ve never been officially employed as a Philosopher, I do hold a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and a minor in Economics. Philosophical Economist anyone?

Weather it’s blogging, journaling or engineering that perfect ‘cold email’ for effective email prospecting, I love the written word.

People Person
I thrive on good conversations and working with others. Even the ‘hard to deal with’ people of the world.

Puzzle Fanatic
Everyone needs a way to unwind after a long day of work. Mine is listening to my favorite podcasts and working on a good old fashion picture puzzle.
Job Skills
For a copy of my full resume and references, email me directly. Limited time offer!

I have specialized experience in Email marketing, print advertisement, B2B content generation, social media marketing, and various of other marketing channels. From market segmentation, to understanding successful brand positioning, I have an extensive history of successfully planning and executing various marketing campaigns.

Business Development
With over ten years of sales and account management experience, business development has always been a natural fit for me. Extensive history in both B2B as well as B2C sales and business development. Consistent top performer across various industries.

Business Analytics
Trained to utilize the industry standard CRISP-DM Data mining methodology. Able to extract actionable business insights from opaque business databases and provide customizable analytic dashboard designs for both clients and operations.

Salesforce Admin
Experienced onsite ad-hoc Salesforce Administrator. Coordinating with both executive leadership and front-line users to ensure that Salesforce CRM was efficiently customized to maximize our company’s ROI while tracking organizational KPIs.

Project Management
Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management from the IU Kelley School of Business. I’m well versed with keeping projects on schedule and under budget. By consistently implementing the best practices suggested by the Project Management Institute (PMI), there’s never a project too large to manage successfully.

Graphic Designer
If you’re driving around Indianapolis, you may have seen one of the billboard ads I’ve designed. Or you may have seen one of the various ads I’ve previously designed for publication in the Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis Monthly Magazine, or other publications. I’m no Banksy, but I get the job done.

Feel free to contact me at therealjamesfulda@gmail.com
Or, check out my LinkedIn profile and send me a message.
I look forward to hearing from you!
James Fulda